NIN Live: 1990

July 27, 1990, Chicago, IL, Cabaret Metro

Terrible Lie
Something I Can Never Have
That's What I Get
The Only Time
Get Down Make Love
Down In It
Head Like a Hole

Show Memorabilia

1990/07/27 Ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1: Audio - AUD (Sony ECM-909 + Sony WM-D6)
Taper: JB
Time: 60 minutes
Rating: 5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Ringfinger, 2 minutes
Download the Full Show: .zip file FLAC, 201.5 MB
Added to Archive: November 18th, 2009
This recording was highlighted on RITC's Recording of the Week.

Source 2: Audio - AUD, Unknown Audience Recording
Taper: Unknown
Time: 53 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Ringfinger, 2 minutes
Download the Full Show: .zip file FLAC, 349.1 MB
Added to Archive: March 22nd, 2020
This is a tape from smores of an unknown gen. I have compared this to the source one done by JB and it is a different recording. Down In It was not provided on this tape and goes straight to HLAH. Also, the tape marker (which comes right after Ringfinger) was a answering machine message that said the following, “Eric this is Glen, gimme a call when you come around.” Certainly some trader’s way of tagging their tapes. So interesting to look back on.