NIN Live: 1991

August 20, 1991, Orlando, FL, Florida Fairgrounds

Now I'm Nothing
Terrible Lie
Physical (You're So)
The Only Time
Get Down, Make Love
Down In It
Head Like a Hole

Show Memorabilia

08/20/1991 Ticket 08/20/1991 Ticket 08/20/1991 Ticket 08/20/1991 VIP

Known Recordings

Source 1: Audio - AUD (Unknown Mic + Sony WM-D3)
Taper: Unknown
Time: 38 minutes
Rating: 4 out of 5
Hear a Sample: The Only Time, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 225.1 MB
Added to Archive: January 07th, 2014
This is a big upgrade to the previous version on the archive. Previous version was a horrible 320 mp3 that was very muddy and barely listenable. This is the same recording as that copy, but a lower gen and a very enjoyable recording to listen to. Thanks to Tapeworm48 for sending over a few DATs to be transferred. There were a few 1990 and 1991 recordings on this DAT in LP mode. Hence, why it was transferred in 32 kHZ. Stilly may be lossy, but it's WAY better than the mp3 version. Before "Now I'm Nothing" there was a bit of static, this was during the MC's intro of Nine Inch Nails. So that is the only thing missing from the mp3 version. But no music was interrupted.

Source 2: Video - AUD (8mm Camera)
Time: 37 minutes
Rating: 3 out of 5
Download the Full Show: .zip file MP4-480p, 643.8 MB
Added to Archive: July 14th, 2018
Just as I add the DVD to the archive, FULLMETAL responds to my update saying, "I never sent you over the retransfer of this show?" I honestly had no idea that he filmed this! He transferred this with way better equipment a few years ago and the quality is night and day better than the DVD that is circulating! You can actually make out the stage and even though it's a rather obstructed view, it's an amazing piece of footage from the Lollapalooza Tour! Thank you to Fullmetal for sending this over!