Terrible Lie
That's What I Get
Get Down Make Love
Down In It
Head Like a Hole
Source 1a: Audio - AUD (Unknown Mic + Sony WM-D6)
Taper: Unknown
Time: 39 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Sin, 2 minutes
Download the Full Show: .zip file FLAC, 243.4 MB
Added to Archive: May 12th, 2014 UPDATE: August 23rd, 2018
This is from a copy of the master tape. As the two silver CD bootleg copies "By Bizzare Hands" and "Killer Instincts" miss some songs, this is the full set. Both silver CDs are sourced from this recording. Terrible Lie does fade in, but I would assume this being a copy from the master tape that this is where the recording starts. Taper possibly walked in at the beginning of the set because it seems like they were getting adjusted with their mics throughout the beginning of "Terrible Lie." Once situated, the recording is flawless. A very good recording. Sadly with tapes being traded so long ago, not many traders thought it was necessary to keep equipment and taper info. So we don't know what mic this was recorded with, or who did. If you know who taped this show. Please get in contact with me.
UPDATE: This was tracked completely wrong. So I re-tracked the whole recording instead of having ‘That’s What I Get and Ringfinger’ in the same track and also ‘Head Like a Hole’ split. When I was tracking each show for the NIN Drive, this didn’t pop up because it had the same amount of tracks and didn’t give me an error. I have updated the FFP and MD5 files inside this as well. Other than that, it’s the same recording and source.
Source 1b: Audio - AUD (Silver CD - "By Bizzare Hands")
Taper: Mushroom Records
Time: 34 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: That's What I Get, 2 minutes
Download the Full Show: .zip file FLAC, 197.3 MB
Added to Archive: February 12th, 2010
Incomplete. Missing intro/Terrible Lie. Good audience recording. This is a silver CD that is not widely spread "By Bizzare Hands." It was produced by Mushroom Records (catalog number 20-MSRM) in Australia and was "copyrighted" in 1992.
Source 1c: Audio - AUD (Silver CD - "Killer Instinct")
Taper: Teddy Bear Records
Time: 34 minutes - Incomplete
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Get Down, Make Love, 2 minutes
Download the Full Show: .zip file FLAC, 187.9 MB
Added to Archive: March 13th, 2013
Incomplete. Missing intro/Terrible Lie. Good audience recording. From the same source as the silver CD above. Tracks 8-13 on "Killer Instinct" are from 09/10/1991 Birmingham.
Source 2: Audio - AUD (Unknown Mic + Sony WM-D6)
Taper: Sluggo
Time: 39 minutes
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Sin, 2 minutes
Download the Full Show: .zip file FLAC, 276.4 MB - 24-Bit
Added to Archive: March 20th, 2024
Many thanks to JL for unearthing this one. Very exciting to have a complete recording of the Boston show. Only the intro is missing. This was the last support show for Jesus and Mary Chain. A different source than what was recorded for the bootleg, "Killer Instinct." Sound is also very very good. Great to see this be released!